lundi 12 juillet 2010

Expérimentation / Crusade No. 39

En retournant sur le site "Street team" j''ai eu le goût d'essayer l'estampe (je n'ai pas encore trouvé le mot exact pour traduire la technique du monoprinting). Pour en savoir plus à ce sujet je vous recommande d'aller voir le tutoriel de Michelle Ward (crusade no. 39). Voici mes premiers essais. Ils sont peu concluants. Je devais aller plus loin...

When I returned on the "Street team " website I fell upon the technique of "monoprinting". To learn more about this I recommend that you visit Michelle Ward's tutorial on the subject (crusade no. 39). Here are my first trials. They are not conclusive. I must go further.

Hum, deuxième essai, je penses que je commence à mieux comprendre ce que je fais.
Hum, second trials , here I think I am beginning to understand better what I am doing.

Bon, essai no 3. Je commence à aimer cela. Je vais réessayer à un autre moment. Ces impresssions me parlent plus que les précédentes. Mais je ne me sens pas à l'aise d'analyser mon travail parce que je connais si peu la technique. Je peux juste dire que j'ai découpé mon coeur dans du plastique et ça c'est plus épais que de l'acétate (recommandé par Michelle) alors le halo autour de la forme est plus grand. Mais comment fait-on pour avoir un halo coloré?
Now, third trials. I am beginning to really enjoy this. I will try again for sure another moment. These prints talk to me more than the first ones. But I still can't really analyse all this because I am too little familiar with the techniqe. I can just say that my heart form was cut in plastic and that's thicker than acetate so the halo is bigger around the shape. But how do you get a colored shadow?

Voici maintenant mes estampes favorites:
And now here are my favorites:

Voici ce que j'ai appris:

here is what I learned:

You can repeat printing on the same support until everything fades away. And the photo makes it look like I have a purplish blue backgroung but in reality it's white. This tells me that I could go on and put watercolor on my original print for an interesting effect.

J'ai essayé de trouver des fiches sans lignes sans succès. J'ai visité 3 papetries pour y arriver. Je me suis rabattue sur les fiches lignées. Mais ici j'ai gaffé en imprimant sur le côté ligné. Cela m'a donnée le goût cependant d'essayer cette technique sur du papier imprimé, comme des pages de dictionnaires, etc, etc... Les possibilités sont illimitées...

I went to 3 paper supplies stores without being able to find unlined index cards! So I bought the lined ones! I goofed here because I printed on the lined surface. But this gave me the idea to monoprint on printed papers, like dictionnary pages etc, etc... The possiblilities are endless....

6 commentaires:

  1. Suzanne - bravo for taking on this past challenge! Love seeing all the prints. I can see you really kept at it and figured out you didn't need as much paint. Some really lovely pieces here. Love the hearts you show close up. I can tell you learning that spraying water really helps to get the most from each pull. I think you got it girl! And your idea of printing on text covered pages is a terrific idea and discovery found out by accident, cool!

    (I will share your link under the current crusade with a C39 next to it, plus I will add your link to the archived list for 39. Thanks for playing and sharing your work!)

  2. Thanks for giving me incentive to go back and try older crusades. I am very new at art journaling so seeing the work others do is really inspiring.

  3. I agree with you on your favorites - I think your hearts turned out great. I bet you find all sorts of uses for these now. I hope you are able to join in the next Crusade too.

  4. C'est vraiment intéressant de voir et de lire tes expérimentations!

  5. Hello Suzanne,

    it's nice to see your experiments. i haven't even tried this one ! Haven't figured out how it exactly works.

    You have indeed already some nice prints !

    greetings from belgium
